How to create a source of passive income?

How about investing, both in your health and also in a profitable project with a very small budget?

This investment will earn you:

  • 🍏 Good health

    • Healthy products for daily consumption with great nutritional value and free of harmful substances.
  • 💰 Financial freedom

  • 🏠 Freedom of time and place

    • Working from home, without predefined schedule,
    • Activity suitable for everyone.
  • ✈️ Free trips

    • Annual international trips.
  • 👤 Extended social relationships

    • Meeting people from different countries and cultures.

What investment opportunity would offer all these benefits, without being another scam?

This opportunity really exists, it fits into relationship marketing and before telling you more, let's remember some important concepts:

Direct selling

Unlike indirect selling, which involves various intermediaries (distribution centers, wholesalers, advertising agencies, etc.), in direct selling, sellers and consumers come into direct contact without intermediaries.

Direct selling

The companies which practice this method of sale, share their profits with their own customers, if they manage to attract other customers.

The advantage of this method is that clients benefit from the costs usually spent on recruiting and advertising. This also provide an excellent quality/price ratio.

Direct selling is very popular in Asia and it generates globally hundreds of billions of dollars in sales each year. It is the 3rd channel of distribution, which continues growing, after in-store selling and mail-order or distance selling.

Direct selling

There are two types of direct selling:

  • Single-level sales

    , where a seller earns a commission for products or services sold,
  • Multi-level sales

    , which not only we sell products or services, but also we sponsor new sellers, the remunerations are perceived both for one's own sales and for the sales made by the recruited (sponsored) people. This approach is popular among MLM companies.

Multi-Level Marketing (MLM)

Multi-Level Marketing, also called multi-generational marketing, network marketing, relational marketing, or multi-level sales.

It is a sales model based on multi-level direct selling, which markets products and services to consumers through a network of independent salespeople.

Multi-Level Marketing (MLM)

Remuneration is always based on the sale of products or services to consumers and not solely on the development of the network of independent sellers. This is the big difference between Multi-Level Marketing and the pyramid scheme.

The pyramid scheme is any activity whose source of remuneration comes only from the membership fees of each new person who wants to start this activity and not from selling products or services to consumers.

The pyramid scheme is illegal, it is a form of scam in which only the initiators of the system, at the top of the network, profit by despoiling members at the bottom of the network who believe to invest in a profitable Business.

Multi-Level Marketing (MLM)

It is important to emphasize that the MLM rewards its members for the production of value (selling a product or providing a service).

Sponsoring new members who join an MLM network, however, does not generate any rewards.

DXN Company

An international MLM headquartered in Malaysia, the company operates through its subsidiaries in more than 70 countries and delivers its products to more than 170 countries in all continents.

DXN Company

The company has been well established on the products market of health, wellness, cosmetics, personal care and skin care, since 1993.

The company invests in health, tourism, real estate development and renewable energies. It has several certificates of quality and good management and has received many international awards.

DXN has more than 100 diversified products, with a great preventive and therapeutic capacity, which cover almost all our daily needs (drinks, cosmetics, personal care products and food supplements).

What makes these products so beneficial and exceptional is the use of mushrooms and algae having extraordinary medicinal and nutritional properties, especially Ganoderma (Reishi) and Cordyceps mushrooms and Spirulina algae.

Ganoderma or Reishi Mushroom

Moreover, this organization is the first producer in the world of the Ganoderma mushroom nicknamed "the King of Herbs".

It has more than 200 hectares of farmland in Malaysia, where it grows itself plants which are used as a raw material for the manufacture of its products.

DXN has more than 200 hectares of crops in Malaysia

In order to market its prestigious products, DXN suggests to its customers themselves to play this role and thus become distributors in addition to being consumers, they earn rewards in the form of commissions, which would have been intended for traditional intermediaries such as advertising agencies, celebrities, resellers, etc.

DXN's strengths

DXN s strengths

  • Founded by Dr. Lim Siow Jin, graduated from the Indian Institute of Technology, a reputed institute in India, he is certified with more than 40 diplomas in alternative medicine and feeding,
  • Has over 9 million members worldwide,
  • FREE registration, with a single membership, one can sponsor an unlimited number of members anywhere in the world,
  • Business manageable from anywhere at any time, without capital, or more accurately, capital is our own consumption,
  • No need to spend a lot of time to the detriment of one's occupation to undertake this Business,
  • An online platform provided, where one can manage everything (order products, sponsor new members, follow the evolution of commissions to be collected, etc.),
  • The earned commissions increase proportionally with the number of people sponsored, directly or indirectly and above all according to their consumption.

How much can one earn with DXN?

How much can one earn with DXN ?

To give you an idea of the profitability of this Business, take a look at the following example:

Adam, is registered as a member and EVERY MONTH, he proceeds as follows:

  1. He substitutes some products of his daily consumption by those of the company,(1)
  2. He sponsors TWO people in his network.

👉 Now, if each new member sponsored by Adam, repeats (in parallel) the same procedure above EVERY MONTH, here is a rough estimation of the value of all the commissions (in Dollar) that Adam can expect:

MonthNetwork sizeIncomes
115 $
2314 $
3970 $
427270 $
581720 $
62431 960 $
77295 420 $
8218714 420 $
9656133 020 $
101968393 540 $
1159049139 970 $
12177147243 010 $

(1) The condition to have the right to receive commissions.

👉 For more details about formulas for calculating commissions, download these 28 slides in PDF format:

DXN Compensation Plan

👉 To see how to register for free and without commitment:

👉 My personal DXN website

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