DXN Company

DXN Company

DXN is a Malaysian company that offers a wide range of healthy products, with high nutritional value and free of harmful substances.

DXN was founded in 1993 by Dr. Lim Siow Jin, graduated from the Indian Institute of Technology, a renowned institute in India.

Doctor Lim is certified with over 40 degrees in alternative medicine and nutrition.

DXN uses for its production herbs, mushrooms and algae known for their great medicinal and nutritional properties, such as:

  • Mushrooms Ganoderma, Cordyceps, Lion's Mane, Poria Cocos, etc.,
  • Spirulina algae,
  • Herbs like Nigella Sativa, Green Chiretta (Andrographis Paniculata), etc.

🏆 Moreover, DXN is classified as the world's largest Ganoderma company.

👉 Ganoderma lucidum also called Reishi, is a mushroom known for two millennia as a natural tonic or an immune booster.

Doctor Lim has conducted research on Ganoderma for 10 years, before creating the company and developing Ganotherapy.

👉 The algae Spirulina formerly called cyanophyceae, is a microscopic algae rich in protein.

DXN farms, produces and markets its plants within a range of wellness products.

DXN has dozens of hectares of farmland in Malaysia, in a green environment far from pollution.

Premises of DXN company in Malaysia

DXN uses a high-tech industry for producing, it has several quality labels including ISO standards and GMP (Good manufacturing practice).

DXN products cover almost all of our daily needs, cosmetics, personal care products (soap, toothpaste, shampoo, etc.), coffee, tea and food supplements.

💡 These products, which can easily replace those we are used to using, have great preventive and therapeutic capacities.

Marketing model

DXN's Marketing is based on a sales network structure called "Relationship Marketing", also called "Network Marketing" or "Multi-Level Marketing".

The principle of this operating mode is selling products on recommendation from person to another.

Relationship Marketing is DXN's marketing model

🎁 Thus, each successful sale of a product makes a commission for the person who recommended it.

End buyers can in turn become distributors and so on.

The advantage of this approach is that consumers/distributors can benefit of the costs usually spent on recruiting and advertising. Which are eliminated in Relationship Marketing.

Unlike other Network Marketing companies, DXN recommends to its members to test products first before recommending them to others.
