Spirulina and Ganoderma : The Perfect Complementarity

💡 Ganoderma and Spirulina are two miracles of nature:

✅ Ganoderma

The "Ganoderma lucidum" mushroom (also known as Reishi) is considered the king of Adaptogens.

An adaptogenic plant is a plant that increases the body's ability to adapt to various stresses, regardless of their origins, by exerting a normalizing action on organs or physiological functions. This normalizing action is not specific to any particular disease or organ.

Ganoderm or Reishi Mushroom

🍄 Ganoderma has over 200 active elements including:

  • Polysaccharides such as beta-glucan and glucosamine,
  • Triterpenes,
  • Organic germanium,
  • Adenosine,
  • Unsaturated fatty acids.

Although these active principles are present in other plants, Ganoderma gathers them all together and in significant quantities.

🍄 Ganoderma also contains:

  • Vitamins such as B3, B5, C, and D.
  • Minerals such as phosphorus, iron, potassium, and copper,
  • Sterols,
  • Alkaloids,
  • Lectins,
  • Enzymes,
  • Amino acids, etc.

The functioning of Ganoderma involves five phases of varying durations depending on the state of the organism:

  • 🔎 Scanning (1 to 30 days): Ganoderma travels through the body and detects defective areas of the body,
  • ☢ Cleaning and detoxification (1 to 30 days),
  • ⚖ Balancing and regulation (1 to 12 months),
  • ⚒️ Construction (6 to 24 months),
  • 💯 Regeneration.

There is no age restriction for consuming Ganoderma, even pregnant women can consume it.

✅ Categories of patients who can use Ganoderma

Here is a non-exhaustive list:

  • Low and high blood pressure problems,
  • Cholesterol,
  • Diabetes,
  • Allergies, whether they are skin-related such as eczema or respiratory-related such as asthma,
  • Cardiovascular diseases, strokes,
  • Gastric and intestinal problems such as ulcers, constipation, diarrhea, etc.,
  • Obesity and overweight,
  • Migraines and headaches,
  • Stress, anxiety, and depression,
  • Sleep disorders and snoring,
  • Kidney problems,
  • Gynecological problems,
  • Cancer,
  • And other chronic diseases.

⚠️ These pieces of information cannot replace, of course, the advice of a healthcare professional.

✅ Key points to remember about Ganoderma

  • It is non-toxic even in high doses,
  • There is no probable addiction even after prolonged consumption,
  • It has a scanning function to highlight the most fragile areas of the body.

The body may react after starting to consume Ganoderma.

This is entirely normal, it is the immune system's response to the body's cleaning and restoration process.

In principle, there is nothing to fear, but in case of too strong reactions, the dosage should be reduced or even stopped for a few days, then gradually resumed.

✅ Dosage of Ganoderma

Dr. Lim (founder of DXN) recommends consuming 3 to 6 capsules per day, to be taken during meals. These doses should be increased to 15 or 30 capsules if the consumer already suffers from health problems.

The dosage, therefore, depends not on the type of disease but on the body's condition.

✅ Spirulina

Although Ganoderma has all these therapeutic capabilities, its composition lacks certain nutritional elements.

That is why DXN also cultivates and commercializes Spirulina, a microscopic blue algae formerly known as cyanophycea.

Algae Spirulina

Therefore, Ganoderma and Spirulina are perfectly complementary because they contain different nutrients.

Spirulina does not contain nucleic acids (important for cellular metabolism), whereas Ganoderma is very rich in them.

Ganoderma does not contain proteins or omegas, while Spirulina contains them in large quantities.

The Polysaccharides of Ganoderma are long-chain polymers, while those of Spirulina are short-chain polymers.

By combining the two, we obtain the complete spectrum of Polysaccharides.

Dr. Lim expressed this idea by saying:

"If Ganoderma is the king of foods, then Spirulina is the queen."

The combination of the two results in the ideal food.

✅ Dosage of Spirulina

Dr. Lim explains that the dosage of Spirulina should be proportional to that of Ganoderma.

For example, six capsules per day of Ganoderma should be taken with a minimum of six capsules of Spirulina.

✅ Conclusion

There is no possibility of overdosing with Ganoderma or Spirulina, and they can even be considered as main foods rather than food supplements, because Ganoderma contains more than 400 different nutrients and Spirulina contains 200 to 300, making the combination of the two an extremely rich and diversified food.
