Got questions about DXN? I'm here to help! Check out the frequently asked questions below or reach out to me for personalized assistance.

Got questions about DXN? I'm here to help! Check out the frequently asked questions below or reach out to me for personalized assistance,

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  1. An MLM or Multi-Level Marketing business, what is it exactly?
  2. How is it possible to make additional income with DXN?
  3. Where is DXN's headquarter located?
  4. Does DXN have any certifications or has it received international awards?
  5. What products does DXN offer and what is special about them?
  6. Can DXN products be prescribed as medication?
  7. Does DXN have a medical license for their products?
  8. Why will DXN be paying its members?
  9. Is there a certain age to join DXN?
  10. What experiences and qualifications are needed to market products, recruit members, sell and earn?
  11. What is it like working with DXN, especially since it doesn't require any qualifications or experience? And what is the income?
  12. According to DXN's compensation system, does a sponsor always earn more than their sponsor?
  13. I don't quite understand DXN's points system (PV, PPV, GPV, SV etc.) and reward system.
  14. I am a merchant, do I have the right to buy DXN products at member price and resell them at retail price?
  15. I am an employee, how much time do I need to work with DXN?
  16. Do I have to become a distributor to order DXN products? Is there a commitment if I become a distributor member or is it completely free?
  17. If I purchase DXN products for my personal consumption, without selling them or looking for customers, will I be entitled to member prices?
  18. Can I just recommend DXN products to others without buying for my own consumption?
  19. Could my income with DXN be mediocre and disproportionate to my efforts?
  20. How much income will I generate in direct sales with the DXN Company, especially considering that I don't have enough time and have another job?
  21. How much will I actually earn if someone registers and becomes a DXN member through my invitation?
  22. I am convinced and I will become a member, but I may not find anyone who would like to join DXN.
  23. I'm not good at persuading people, will I succeed?
  24. How can I buy DXN products if I'm not a member?
  25. How to register as a DXN member?
  26. How to buy DXN products if I am a member?
  27. From what amount the delivery can become free?
  28. How do I sponsor a new DXN member?
  29. If a DXN member passes away? Where will their profits go?

An MLM or Multi-Level Marketing business, what is it exactly?

DXN does not use traditional marketing which involves many intermediaries between the company and its customers, but it has adopted another means called Multi Level Marketing (MLM), also called Network Marketing or Direct Selling.

Before talking about MLM, first talking about traditional marketing and its disadvantages:

Traditional Marketing currently used by most companies in the world is not in the interest of the end consumer who buys very expensive products from stores, because the products have gone through many stages and the parties involved in each of the stages take their share of the profits, this involves adding charges to the price of the products for the consumer.

According to documented scientific studies, the cost of manufacturing products sold in stores does not exceed 35% of the value paid by the consumer.

So where did the remaining 65% go?

Most of these expenses go to transporting products from factories and distributing them to wholesalers and then to retailers.

Retailers spend a lot to open their stores and pay their rents and salaries of employees, this is the reason why we have this difference in prices of the same product from one store to another, in addition to the costs of the services provided and the costs of advertising campaigns and promotion of their products.

The Multi-Level Marketing system adopted by DXN, is considered one of the most effective marketing ways, because it saves companies the money they usually spend on advertising, wholesale product distribution and at retail, in transport and the wages of a large number of employees.

The MLM companies pay out all of these savings to people who promote their products individually, these people are just their own customers.

Therefore, MLM serves consumers better than traditional marketing because in multi-level marketing, all intermediaries between the producing factory and the consumers are removed, no distributors or stores to expose and sell the merchandise.

For DXN, approximately 50% of a product's price is split as follows:

  • Financing the manufacturing of the product,
  • Covering certain administrative expenses (opening offices in different countries, etc.).
  • The rest is the company's net profit.

The remaining 50% is redistributed to consumers who contribute to the promotion of the products, but obviously not in the same way: The more you direct people to DXN and those people bring in others, and so on, the larger the share of the earned cake becomes.

How is it possible to make additional income with DXN?

You do the shopping in the markets, you buy products which you are not sure of their health benefits and the profits are not shared with you!

DXN offers you healthy products with great nutritional values.

  • First try the products yourself,
  • If you appreciate them, like millions of consumers around the world, recommend them to your friends and family (something you do for other brands without reward!),
  • DXN will reward you on your purchases, as well as the purchases of people who have become customers thanks to you.

Where is DXN's headquarter located?

DXN's headquarter is in Malaysia, the company also has subsidiaries in more than 70 countries and delivers its products to more than 170 countries worldwide.

Does DXN have any certifications or has it received international awards?

DXN has several quality and good management certificates and has received a lot of international awards:

DXN certificates

DXN Awards

What products does DXN offer and what is special about them?

DXN products are quite diverse and relevant for all ages, more than 100 different products, they cover almost all our daily needs:

  • Beverages (coffee, tea, juice etc.),
  • Cosmetics and personal care products (soap, toothpaste, shampoo etc.),
  • Nutritional supplements.

From experience, DXN products have great preventive and therapeutic capacities.

What makes these products so beneficial and exceptional is the use of mushrooms and algae known for their general health benefits, including Ganoderma (Reishi), CordycepsLion's Mane mushrooms and Spirulina algae.

Below are the key advantages of DXN products:

  • Provide the body with essential nutrients, to significantly improve immunity, regulate organ functions, get rid of toxins and naturally resist disease,
  • Promote cellular oxygenation, improve blood circulation, reduce cholesterol and glucose levels in the blood,
  • Useful for certain symptoms such as back and joint pain, chronic fatigue, loss of appetite, overweight, hair loss, gum inflammation, skin problems such as pimples and dryness, constipation, intestinal bloating, digestive disorders, infertility, irregular menstruation etc.,
  • Effective against anemia, decrease in red blood cells and cancerous tumors,
  • Beneficial for delaying the onset of signs of aging in the skin and organs and for decreasing the likelihood of osteoporosis,
  • No side effects, except in case of allergy to algae or mushrooms.

Can DXN products be prescribed as medication?

No, DXN products are not medicines, but natural foods with many advantages that benefit both people in good health and the sick ones, men, women, young and the elderly.

The fact that DXN products have enormous health benefits, in no way means that they can replace medicines or medical consultations.

Does DXN have a medical license for their products?

Yes, DXN products are licensed in all the countries in the world in which it has subsidiaries. Moreover, the opening of each subsidiary goes through several checking procedures.

DXN is a global brand and its products are natural, healthy and high quality.

Why will DXN be paying its members?

DXN is a Network Marketing company, it gives money in the form of commissions to you and me, as a reward for promoting its products, somehow, you are acting as an advertising agency.

Instead of giving money to different media like TV, celebrities, resellers etc., to attract people and inform them about products, DXN offers its customers themselves to play this role and thus becoming distributors besides being consumers, and of course, they will earn commissions which would have been intended to traditional intermediaries.

Is there a certain age to join DXN?

Yes, in order to become a member, one must be at least 18 years old.

What experiences and qualifications are needed to market products, recruit members, sell and earn?

Every job requires a certificate and/or experience, but with DXN you don't need any of that. Working with DXN is not difficult or complicated, anyone can join this company, no need to open a shop, take care of salaries of employees, pay rent or find products to sell, everything is ready for you.

All you have to do is participate and start working in your surroundings and then around the world, depending on your motivation and diligence.

Your work with DXN is limited to informing people about the healthy and economical solutions offered by the company, everyone is looking for solutions around health and money.

What is it like working with DXN, especially since it doesn't require any qualifications or experience? And what is the income?

DXN provides you with the highest quality merchandise of health, wellness, cosmetics, personal care and skin care products.

DXN products are available in more than 170 countries around the world!

  • Above all, DXN asks you to test some of its products and verify their effectiveness yourself,
  • If you are satisfied with them, substitute your everyday consumer products with those whom you liked from DXN,
  • So far, you are already a winner! Especially since you can purchase at the member price by registering for free!
  • To go further and look for the financial aspect after that of health, you will have to invite other people, everywhere in the world, to do like you. Thus, you will be entitled to the commissions devoted to DXN members.

It's not just a simple reward on every product sale or new sponsored member, it's a complex compensation plan that considers several factors.

DXN Compensation Plan

According to DXN's compensation system, does a sponsor always earn more than their sponsor?

No, the DXN reward system is fair and balanced. Winning is not solely dependent on the team of members one sponsors, but also on one's personal consumption of a minimum of DXN products, maintaining activity, fostering team growth, and assisting members in their continuous development.

Thus, it is entirely possible for a DXN member to earn significantly more than their sponsor!

DXN Compensation Plan

I don't quite understand DXN's points system (PV, PPV, GPV, SV etc.) and reward system.

To ensure a comprehensive response, I have provided a detailed explanation of everything in the link below:

DXN Compensation Plan

I am a merchant, do I have the right to buy DXN products at member price and resell them at retail price?

Yes, it is completely possible!

Please note that apart from the margin of 15 to 25% (depending on the product) between the retail price and the member price, DXN also reimburses a portion of your product expenses. This reimbursement percentage evolves based on the points you accumulate.

I am an employee, how much time do I need to work with DXN?

Working with DXN offers the flexibility to start with just one hour a day and then expand your working time according to your preference, increasing it to 2 or 3 hours a day if desired.

The greatest advantage of DXN is the freedom from a fixed schedule! As a DXN member, you become your own boss, allowing you to decide when, where, and how you work.

Do I have to become a distributor to order DXN products? Is there a commitment if I become a distributor member or is it completely free?

When it comes to purchasing DXN products, you have the flexibility to choose between buying as a non-member (retail) or as a member.

By registering, you have nothing to lose and everything to gain. Here are the benefits:

  • Registration is completely free and carries no commitment,
  • As a member, you can purchase products at a discounted price, saving 15 to 25% compared to retail prices,
  • Moreover, a certain percentage of the product price is returned to members, providing an additional reward.

You may be curious about why DXN takes this approach.

Well, instead of advertising its products, DXN relies on its customers themselves to do so, following the principle of traditional recommendation that we all engage in when we use a product, we like it, and then suggest it to our friends and family.

However, with DXN, this simple act of recommendation is rewarded through a compensation plan. As you progress and evolve, the commissions become increasingly attractive. To effectively manage and track this system (including knowing who recommended whom, tracking purchases, determining individual rewards, and more), DXN requires customers to register and be assigned unique identification numbers.

If I purchase DXN products for my personal consumption, without selling them or looking for customers, will I be entitled to member prices?

Absolutely, if you choose to register with DXN exclusively for the purpose of making personal purchases, you can do so without any additional requirements. The only condition is that you meet the minimum age requirement of 18 years. This allows you the freedom to enjoy DXN products for your own benefit, without any obligations or restrictions.

Additionally, you will have the advantage of accessing the exclusive member price, which offers a significant discount of 15 to 25% compared to the retail price.

Can I just recommend DXN products to others without buying for my own consumption?

As a member of DXN, it is important to personally use and experience the products you promote. By sharing your own authentic and firsthand experience, you can establish trust and credibility with others. This approach, based on your own journey and confidence in the products, will be key in persuading others to join and benefit from DXN.

There are two key reasons why DXN emphasizes regular product consumption among its distributors:

Firstly, it enables distributors to share personal experiences and build trust with others.

Secondly, DXN offers convenient and effective substitutes for everyday consumables, providing nutritional value and remarkable preventive and therapeutic benefits. By incorporating DXN products into their lives, distributors can enhance their well-being and inspire others to do the same.

Could my income with DXN be mediocre and disproportionate to my efforts?

Embarking on a journey with DXN initiates with a modest income, yet the potential for growth knows no bounds. Like any other entrepreneurial endeavor, it starts with humble beginnings, steadily blossoming with your unwavering dedication.

DXN operates on a progressive system, taking into account the accumulation of points. It may not yield immediate substantial earnings upon becoming a member, but it serves as the foundation for your future success, which can be realized within a year or two of determined endeavor.

Working with DXN offers the possibility of achieving financial freedom. The income you receive at the end of the month is not determined by anyone else but yourself. It's like having a blank check, and you have the power to write the amount!

The monthly income one can achieve through DXN has the potential to surpass traditional employment wages. Remarkably, there are members currently earning over $15,000 per month, attaining such remarkable heights within just 3 to 4 years!

The more members you have in your network (team) and the more you invest in training, motivating, and supporting them, the faster and more proportionally your income can grow with DXN.

How much income will I generate in direct sales with the DXN Company, especially considering that I don't have enough time and have another job?

DXN offers you a golden opportunity that will leave a profound impact on your life and the lives of countless individuals in your sphere.

This opportunity surpasses any competition from traditional jobs. By becoming a member of DXN, following the footsteps of millions worldwide, you open the door to turning your dreams and aspirations into reality, especially when health and wealth intertwine.

You don't have to invest an overwhelming amount of time into this business. Therefore, having another primary job does not impede you from embarking on the transformative DXN journey and experiencing a multiplying monthly income. It begins with a modest initial income, then it progressively amplifies in accordance with your diligent efforts and enthusiasm.

How much will I actually earn if someone registers and becomes a DXN member through my invitation?

DXN embraces a powerful marketing approach called MLM (Multi-Level Marketing), a system that goes beyond direct recruitments (often known as sponsorships) of new members at the first level. It extends its reach by considering the entire network of individuals sponsored by those on the first level and beyond, creating a dynamic and rewarding compensation structure.

Therefore, the most compelling outcomes emerge over the medium and long term as the network of directly and indirectly sponsored individuals expands. This is precisely why working with DXN ensures results that are RELIABLE, although NOT IMMEDIATE.

Every MLM operates on its own distinctive calculation formula. To provide you with a comprehensive understanding, I have included a link below that outlines the specific and detailed compensation plan of DXN. This plan offers a transparent view of how your efforts can be rewarded and the potential for financial success within DXN.

DXN Compensation Plan

I am convinced and I will become a member, but I may not find anyone who would like to join DXN.

Do you know that everyone wants to be healthy and improve their income? Don't judge anyone in advance, just present your idea and you'll see.

I'm not good at persuading people, will I succeed?

It is not really essential to be an expert in communication to successfully fulfill your mission. Start with your mobile phone, it contains at least a hundred names - your family, loved ones, friends, people living in your country and abroad.

You also have the opportunity to find interested people worldwide through social networks.

Initially, simply share your experience using one or more DXN products. If you are deeply convinced of their effectiveness, you will find the right words to convey to others.

How can I buy DXN products if I'm not a member?

DXN offers its products for retail sale to non-members. This page explains how to make retail purchases.

How to register as a DXN member?

The registration process can be completed 100% online. This page provides a step-by-step guide on how to register and become a DXN member.

If you need assistance, please contact me through this link.

How to buy DXN products if I am a member?

If you are already a member, a discount of 15 to 25% is applied to the product prices.

This link provides a guide on how to purchase DXN products for members.

From what amount the delivery can become free?

Delivery is offered starting from a certain total purchase amount, and this amount varies depending on the country of delivery.

For example, in France, the minimum total amount is 300€.

How do I sponsor a new DXN member?

A DXN member can sponsor other members worldwide, and it's easy and 100% online.

Discover how to sponsor in this page.

If a DXN member passes away? Where will their profits go?

One of the things that sets DXN's system apart is that it doesn't forget those who have supported the company and worked hard.

DXN offers a special provision where members can designate someone to inherit their membership without any additional charges. This feature reflects the strong sense of community within DXN, allowing individuals to secure the future of their loved ones and preserve their legacy without any financial burden.

Another question ?

👉 Register as a DXN Member.

👉 Purchase a DXN Product.

👉 Here is my personal DXN website.

DXN Compensation Plan
